Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009


Apakah Anda ingin mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem anda atau membersihkan fragmentasi dikumpulkan dalam sistem anda dengan usaha sesedikit mungkin, Magic Memory Optimizer adalah alat pilihan. Tidak ada program lain adalah sebagai kaya fitur, namun sebagai mudah digunakan sebagai Magic Memory Optimizer. Magic Memory Optimizer adalah dirancang untuk menangani masalah-masalah sulit, tetapi penting pengelolaan memori. Memori adalah sumber daya yang paling berharga di komputer Anda; ketika menjadi rendah, komputer anda akan melambat parah atau kecelakaan. Windows tidak menangani dengan benar memori Anda dengan sendirinya. Seiring waktu, tidak peduli berapa banyak memori yang Anda miliki, Windows akan perlahan-lahan kehilangan memori, membawa Anda ke kondisi kritis. Magic Memory Optimizer memecahkan permasalahan tersebut dengan reklamasi kehilangan memori untuk program-program anda. Sistem Optimalkan PC BitBitCare Inc menyediakan pengguna dengan Free Magic Memory Optimizer dan Magic Memory Optimizer (fungsi penuh). Free Magic Memory Optimizer adalah sepenuhnya gratis, namun, beberapa fungsi terbatas. Pengguna yang terdaftar Magic Memory Optimizer berhak untuk memiliki lisensi untuk semua fitur-fiturnya, baik dukungan teknis dan upgrade versi. Biar nggak penasaran download di sini

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Membuat virus !sebenarnaya mudah tapi kali ini aq mau berbagi cara membuat file perusak
tapi belum bisa di katakan virus ataupun spam,tapi hanya file perusak saja.
Proses kerjanya :
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Lumayan kan buat ngejailin temen he he he...(tapi ada kelemahannya yaitu file yang ada di dalam folder
tidak terhapus,tapi ada cara untuk mengatasinya ,tinggal letakkan aja di dalam foldernya ntar juga hilang)

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Contoh: test.cmd
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games collection 4 all resolution

6 Java games for All mobiles- October 2009

6 Java games for All mobiles- October 2009
Platform: java | English |
Size: 12.5 Mb |
Quantity: 6 | Eb-Rs
Java games - October 2009 for all screen resolutions

2012 Apocalypse
(128x160, 176x208, 176x220, 208x208, 240x320, 352x416)

Assassin's Creed II
(128x128, 128x160, 176x208, 176x220, 208x208, 240x320, 352x416)

WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010
(176x208, 176x220, 240x320, 320x240)

Fishing Off The Hook
(176x208, 176x220, 240x320, 352x416)

Spore Creatures
(128x128, 128x160, 176x208, 240x320)

3D World Championship Pool 2010
(128x160, 176x208, 176x220, 240x320, 352x416]

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resident evil 5.iso (ISO)

mesti buka isonya dolo

Password: komment dolo ntar gua kasih hehehehe


about this game

Resident Evil 5 Full ISO (rapidshare+ mediafire link)

The sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of recent years is finally here and the world of survival horror will never be the same again. Chris Redfield and new partner Sheva Alomar must face a new menace in Africa, as they take on an even more bizarre range of monsters and mutants.

The first Resident Evil for the new generation of consoles doesn't just improve the quality of the graphics but also the abilities of the enemies. No longer do you face off against slow moving zombies, but instead mutated humans who will anticipate your actions and even set-up barricades to block your exits.

To combat this new menace you not only have a permanent onscreen partner but a wide range of more athletic moves, including dodges and the ability to take cover behind any piece of scenery. The biohazards are evolving yet again - and so is the game itself.

* The next chapter: Continuing the story from Resident Evil 4 and movie Resident Evil: Degeneration, this has topped gamers' most wanted lists since it was announced.
* Evolving threat: Hugely varied gameplay as you battle motorbikes in the bush, race along deadly enemy-filled rivers and combat some of gaming's biggest bosses.
* Super model: Stunning graphics push the next generation consoles to their limits, with hordes of enemies onscreen at once and a larger, more interactive game world than before.
* Afraid of the dark: Realistic lighting system will blind you in bright sunlight or leave you dangerously vulnerable in the dark.
* Two's company: For the first time ever in Resident Evil you can play the entire game with a friend, either on or offline. Or have the computer back you up as new character Sheva.
The first Resident Evil for the new generation of consoles doesn't just improve the quality of the graphics but also the abilities of the enemies. No longer do you face off against slow moving zombies, but instead mutated humans who will anticipate your actions and even set-up barricades to block your exits.

To combat this new menace you not only have a permanent onscreen partner but a wide range of more athletic moves, including dodges and the ability to take cover behind any piece of scenery. The biohazards are evolving yet again - and so is the game itself.
Key Features

* The next chapter: Continuing the story from Resident Evil 4 and movie Resident Evil: Degeneration, this has topped gamers' most wanted lists since it was announced.
* Evolving threat: Hugely varied gameplay as you battle motorbikes in the bush, race along deadly enemy-filled rivers and combat some of gaming's biggest bosses.
* Super model: Stunning graphics push the next generation consoles to their limits, with hordes of enemies onscreen at once and a larger, more interactive game world than before.
* Afraid of the dark: Realistic lighting system will blind you in bright sunlight or leave you dangerously vulnerable in the dark.
* Two's company: For the first time ever in Resident Evil you can play the entire game with a friend, either on or offline. Or have the computer back you up as new character Sheva.

using english language because our school is tuuuuuuuttt

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